Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pardon my Attitude, it's a dance thing!

I miss waking up with sore muscles. I miss the cramp I got in my toes after taking off pointe shoes. I miss the way the dance studio sounded like a fresh bowl of rice krispies as everyone stretched and popped various body parts in the morning. I miss pushing my body to it's limits. I miss my ballet teachers unique sayings such as "keep your bird cage closed", "watch your ladybugs", and "don't spill your water bowls".

I miss auditioning and rehearsing for the semesterly dance concert and student choreography showcase. I miss choreographing with classmates then forgetting what we had just done. I miss making pretty lines and shapes with my body. I miss learning to write and speak french. I miss dance.

I miss the energy in my old improv class as everyone moved without thought. I miss closing my eyes and getting lost in the moment. I miss performing in House of Blue unannounced and doing contact improv out of the class room and across the entire dance building.

Dance brought me a lot of really great friends and memories. It is so exciting to see my friends go on to be performers for Busch Gardens, the circus, local companys, and even semi-pro football teams. I couldn't be more proud of everyone. Never stop dancing. It's not just what we do, it's who we are. It's what makes our wheels turn and our eyes light up. All the blood, sweat, tears, and pain are so worth it after a great performance.

We won't have these bodies forever. But while we do, lets put our talent to good use. Whatever your passion, go out and inspire others. Know that we can change the world. Know that every time you perform/paint/write/play/sing/etc. someone is inspired by you. Never give up on your dreams.  In the words of my former pointe teacher, Joanie, "life is not an adagio". Live in the now. This is our time! Make every move count. Y'all ready? 5-6-7-8 ¡ Baila!

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